In particular during the process of optimizing parallel applications DKRZ, RRZ and TUHH RZ face similar requirements but in the past, unfortunately, there was only little interaction and coordination of performance engineering activities between the different compute centers. Furthermore, at RRZ and TUHH support requests are dominated by problems at the level of getting things to work, i.e. getting a parallel job to run, rather than being aware of using the expensive HPC resources appropriately. HHCC (Hamburg HPC Competence Center), online since April 2017, takes this into account and provides basic and advanced HPC knowledge for performance engineering to improve the situation. HHCC contains an online certification program to confirm the competences achieved by the user. The eLearning material will be downloadable.
The idea behind HHCC is to bundle the know-how and to combine the strengths of the three compute centers in order to give our users a better support, particularly by education and by giving feedback. HHCC is also the basis to disseminate existing and new performance engineering concepts.