Scientific Equipment
In the PeCoH projekt the Scientific Computing Group at DKRZ offers access to its 20 node cluster system with a 10 node Lustre file system for development purposes.
DKRZ provides for testing prototypes access to the Mistral supercomputer. The HLRE-3 (High Performance Computer System for Earth System Research / Hochleistungsrechnersystem für die Erdsystemforschung) supercomputer Mistral consists of more than 3,000 compute nodes, providing a peak compute performance of 3.6 PFLOPs. The system is backed by a 60 Petabyte Lustre file system.
Tuning of application software will be studied on the HPC clusters at RRZ (396 nodes with a 400 Terabyte BeeGFS file system) and TUHH RZ (244 nodes with a 250 Terabyte BeeGFS file system). Software which is available on the North German Supercomputing Alliance (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Nord (HLRN) in German) is benchmarked there as well.